Projects from Wilhelm Visual Works

  • Smart Living, Smart.Space

    I’m not one for urban living, I’d be left longing for greenspace that urban centers always have in short supply. But even where space is not at a premium, I wish the thrust of today’s architecture more often focused where modern design intersects with efficient use of space, and by design firm Avro | Ko…

  • Upcycling living space, now in cafe form

    Adam Kalkin’s Quik House format has been adapted by Illy Cafe as a temporary installation, the Illy Cafe Push Button House, in NYC’s Time Warner Center for the month of December.  Formed from recycled shipping containers, modified to serve a higher purpose (hence “upcycling”), the one-off installation transforms at a push of a button to…

  • Conscientious consumerism

    Welcome to the FLOWmarket, a conceptual store created by Mads Hagstroem. The FLOWmarket was created to showcase “scarcity goods, imbalances in the 3 FLOW dimensions (individual, collective and environmental flows) transformed in to physical products.” Sound weird? It is, but it’s also thought-provoking and the exhibit as a whole is rather fetching. The site is…

  • Morning coffee through the eyes of Monocle

    I read a lot of magazines, probably too many. To the point that it’s a separate line on my Schedule C. I really enjoy British mags, there’s something about British writing that is far superior to their American counterparts. Maybe it’s the slightly wider world view, not being the world’s 500 pound gorilla. I happened…

  • Creation, not consumption…

    excerpted from Arena Magazine, penned by Andrew Mueller “It would be a worthwhile, and overdue, maneuver for people to disdain most things they’re encouraged to regard as fun, and experiment instead with such disregarded virtues as probity, courtesy and application. It might actually make them happy. For the wretched reality of the hedonist, invariably, is…

  • More than a hotel…

    I like Denmark. I like Scandinavia in general. (full disclosure: I’ve never spent a winter there, that might temper my affection) I’ll probably end up writing a lot about scandinavian design. I was in CPH this summer and stopped in on Hotel Fox for a few days. They gave 60 young artists complete creative control…

Got any book recommendations?